Full-Stack Developer is a universal expert in the area of digital development. He often replaces several specialists. Therefore, such an expert is an employer’s dream. This programmer develops both the server side (known as backend) and the interface system (frontend or simply everything, that users can see) for websites. That’s why he’s called so. Unlike individuals specializing in frontend or backend, this programmer can perform tasks at all stages of realizing a project. Reading the following chapters, you can find the answer to the question ”how to become a full stack developer”.

The great favour of these specialists is explained by a number of their advantages.

  • Flexibility. They are able to perform a great range of functions, which makes these employees essential for numerous tasks and collaborations. They are able to change their different aspects of development. It speeds up the process of creating a product.
  • Technical flexibility. Full-stack developers can adapt to new technologies and trends. This allows them to remain competitive and effectively solve problems.
  • Flexibility in hiring. Companies prefer these employees, because they can replace several specialists in a group. It’s essential for new projects and organizations of a medium size. It is not a secret that opportunities of such organizations are limited.
  • Fulfilling tasks quickly. Such employees work rather fast, thanks to their skills in various fields. This also allows startups in IT industry to boost their chances of success.

The salary of such a programmer is 20-30% higher by comparison with frontenders and backenders. Most of these specialists can work remotely. This allows them to save time and money spent on driving. It is not an easy thing to find a qualified programmer. Therefore, employers try to create comfortable conditions for these experts.

Mustafa Egemen şener is a famous IT blogger. He regularly publishes his tips helping the beginners to become more qualified and build a successful career. In the article Egemen Mustafa şener will open some of the main insights of how to become a coder of that level. 

Step 1: Learn the Basics of Programming 

You must explore the basic skills of coding that are the understanding of three most popular languages. Firstly, it’s necessary to learn to create the structured pages using HTML. 

Secondly, the future specialist should study the art of styling the documents with the help of CSS.

And then it will be the time to practice in creating moving and clickable structures. A tip by Egemen şener: “Begin making simple projects, for instance, basic web pages and forms as tests and the description of the menu elements in the push up windows. 

Step 2: Master Frontend Development Tools 


Everyone who wants to be such a coder needs to understand the basic knowledge of applying instruments like

  • React is a JS library that helps to create the user’s menus.
  • Vue.js is a framework which is especially useful for developing blogs, small websites, adoptive design etc. 
  • Angular is a tool created by Google. It helps in applications for smartphones. 

Knowing the features of each framework helps to choose the right one for your project. 

Responsive Web Design 

Nowadays, the most of web traffic is used by mobile devices. That’s why learning the principles of responsive web design is one of the main parts of educational programs for IT specialists. The developer must know how to make the webpage look perfect on mobile, laptop and other types of screen. The frameworks like Bootstrap are useful for that purpose and must be one of the useful instruments of the professional. 

Version Control with Git

Using this platform is essential. It is one of the most useful services for collaborative work on the digital project. It gives the possibility of testing a code version to every member of the team. 

Step 3: Dive Into Backend Development 

The backend is the other side of this profession. You must start studying it when your knowledge of frontend is rather good. Let’s look at the roadmap to follow to reach the desired goal that is a skilled backender. 

Backend Basics 

First of all you should study the backend great four. It means that every one who wants to become a backender has to study the following programming technologies: Node.js, Python (Django, Flask), Ruby (Rails), and PHP. Also, you can’t ignore working with databases like SQL and NoSQL. Because storing and managing information is one of the integral elements of that type of coding.

Building RESTful APIs 

It helps to connect both sides of programming (that is back- and front- ends). Each specialist needs to achieve the skill on an advanced level. 

“Carefully study the methods of RESTful API, including the less popular ones”, – recommends Mustafa Egemen.

Mustafa Egemen Sener Turkey programs

Step 4: Connecting Frontend and Backend

You need not only learning both sides of coding, but also you should know how to link these two parts (user menu with the server database and logic). For instance, it can be realized through using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) when developing the software.

Authentication and Security play an important role in the digital world. The study of authentication systems (JWT, OAuth), that secure the applications, is another point in the wishing list of everyone who wants to develop yourself as a professional step by step. 

Step 5: Advancing Your Skills

Never stop on the way of developing your skills. Dive into advanced topics like microservices, cloud technologies, and DevOps practices for apps of scalable type.

And Real-World service gives you an experience of participating in making big and difficult solutions. They will become a great addition to a CV. 


In the text we showed a stairway of 5 steps to be a coder of a full-stack level: from learning the Basics of Programming to Advancing skills like participating in Real-World projects. To reach the top of it you should be patient and hardworking.

“Believe in yourself. Regular practice and studying of theory can make a dream come true”, – says Sener Egemen Mustafa about how to become a full stack programmer.

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